The Express Toll Lanes on I-405 have been a total failure.  Half of the tolling revenue is lost to operating costs; carpooling is down; 85% of the cars in the #405ETL are solo drivers; the trucking industry is hurting.  The tolls are a regressive tax hitting Snohomish county hardest with $10 tolls every day.  There have been more than 3 Million billing errors.  Washington State Patrol has stated they have no way to enforce the tolls.  It is time to discontinue the toll lanes and restore the 2 person carpools.  The concept of managing congestion by tolls is a flawed concept, doomed to failure.

We are a grass roots group of all parties fighting to get the legislature to remove the tolls and not expand them when they widen I-405 south to SR167.  We are asking you to:

  1. Sign the online petition
  2. Contact your state legislators and demand they remove the toll lanes
  3. Share this with others
  4. If you are a business owner or independent contractor, send us a letter on your letterhead stating how it is impacting your business.  We will be sharing these with the legislature in January.  Send them to:
    P.O. Box 1678
    Bothell, WA 98041

Be sure to read our news articles in the blog.  You can click the follow by email button on this page to get notified when an article is posted.  If you want to get involved in the fight, please send an email to  You can also follow us on facebook.

The petition as sent to the legislators states:

“We are asking for legislators to lead WSDOT to make these changes to the I-405 Express Toll Lanes:
1. Eliminate all tolling and restore I-405 ETL to standard 2+ carpool lanes.
2. Eliminate the double lines and allow drivers the freedom to enter/exit those lanes as they see the need.
3. Allow all drivers to use the carpool lanes for free during late night hours as it was before.

These changes will result in:
1. Increased participation in carpools
2. Better utilization of all 5 lanes of traffic while still meeting performance goals for the Federal funding
3. Improved overall drive times for everyone at all times, regardless the distance they are traveling, their ability to be a carpool or their ability to pay the toll
4. Increased safety
5. Increased public satisfaction
6. Lower operating costs of the highway
7. Reduced taxation”

 Click here to read the background information supporting the petition and read the blog pages to see ongoing updates of information.
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Please click here to sign the petition online or click here to download a copy to print and sign.

32,000 Signatures. Keep spreading the word.
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